Tuesday, 21 November 2017


WALT...Use a variety of punctuationI enjoyed doing this because I got to create a story about getting blamed on . Next time I will try to make it rhyme more.

Wish it was my birthday

 It was on a Saturday. I was walking through the doorway. I was so glad it wasn't a school day. I thought I was gonna be able to eat but straightaway my cousin pulled up in the driveway. I was surprised when I saw them. I realized it was my cousin birthday. They were shouting at me saying get in the car. I said what wha what ( I was confused ).

 I said to them wait a second. I ran into the house and said see ya. I whizzed to the car. We left and we were on our way to Paknsave. When we arrived one of the little ones were misbehaving. They were fighting over Chocolate (This is where I get blamed). 

 Their mum said wha wha what, what happen over there ( we were at the back seat ). She said straight to me what did you do, I said ayy, it wasn't even me, She was like don't lie, I know you did. I was so mad about it because I didn't even do anything. I pretty much got blamed on for no reason. I said to myself I wish it was done. To be continued


W.A.L.T... Explore and use a scale to work out distances on a map. Next time I will add more information

Friday, 27 October 2017


W.A.L.T... Describe the significance of a Pouwhenua and Explain the history behind Pouwhenua. I enjoyed doing this because I got to make my own background. Next time I will work on adding more information about Pouwhenua.

Pounamu Stone - Taonga

Last week I did this slideshow but I was a bit slack on my blogging. I decided to post since i have finished it. In this slideshow it has the information that I got and have put in my own words. It say what the meaning of Taonga is. There is a little bit more so I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Chocolate Bar

This week we read a story about a goldfish recounting some of his life in a bowl. After we read the story we had to create our own story/recount about an object that we chose. I enjoyed doing this because I got to choose what I was writing as. Next time I will write more paragraphs.

Image result for chocolate bar png

Chocolate Bar

 I am lonely, I´m stuck in this empty pantry. I wishing for friends. Everytime I think of me being lonely I think about the song Lonely. I´ve always wondered what it would be like if I had friends even best friends. In the morning some little creature/ human would come in the deserted pantry and grab a piece of me. At 12:00 I hear thousands/ four of creatures going past the empty pantry so swiftly. I feel my body dissolving. Suddenly at the right time I get moved into the fridge. Here we go again. I see so many weird shaped objects.

 As I am looking around I saw many more weird shaped objects. I start to get freaked out. After a few seconds I calm down. I heard a strange sound coming from far away, I get nervous. Out of nowhere the fridge door unlatched. I was unsure of what was happening. It had been one minute since the fridge door hasn't shut. However there was this huge sausage/hand coming directly at me. I overheard the the creature saying ¨cannot wait to eat dis¨. Finally the fridge door made it to its destination. 

 It was 9pm. I was feeling so friendless. There was no one to speak to no one.. Hold on a minute. I can talk to one of the weird shaped objects. I decide to call them their names. The green one was called cabbaccino, The purple one was called applant. The fridge got me to the point where I was hard as a brick. I decided to ask cabbaccino a question.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Social Justice

Pick a Path Story - Friendship

This is my pick a path story. For writing we had to do a pick a path story. Something that I enjoyed about this was making my own story. Something that I might improve on is not ending it weird.

Monday, 25 September 2017

My Inquiry

Powered by emazeFor Topic, We've been studying Children rights around the world and how we all don't have the same rights or even basic needs.  This is my DLO for Afghanistan.  Something that I enjoyed was creating this and something that I need to improve on is maybe putting more information in next time

Thursday, 14 September 2017

How to calculate the perimeter

WALT: How to calculate a perimeter of a square, triangle and a rectangle.
What I found hard was catching up with my work cause I was away.
What I found easy was, nothing because I have never done this before.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Is Graffiti art or just messy

This week my class had to write a debate on if Graffiti is art or just messy. We had to write a persuasive text on our own opinion on if Graffiti is art or just messy. What I enjoyed about this was that I could make my own picture. Something that I could do next is maybe add more colour in my pictures

Is Graffiti art or just messy Graffiti, is it an art or a crime ?. I think that Graffiti is art. To me I think that it is a change for old walkways down the street.

 In my personal opinion I think that Graffiti is art. Art is not just something you paint/draw. It is something that you create that has a special meaning to it. Example, like Banksy´s drawing. What I like most about it is that some of his tell stories. Some people just love to draw/paint and so they decide since there is is blank wall they just persuade their self to go and Graffiti on it. Some people think of Graffiti as tagging, but how I think of it is that it is a colourful mural that is on a blank wall. What I am trying to say I that in each case art has a statement to it. They do this because graffiti been around for ages even better there are places around the world where the graffiti art is legal like France and all other places that are why I strongly believe, Graffiti is art. 

 Secondly I think that Graffiti can be used to vandalize, but at the same time, it can be used for good. Graffiti is not all names, swears, and offensive pictures. Some of the graffiti I have seen have positive messages and sometimes quotations that someone felt was worth sharing. Mostly it is on old house or containers that have just been abandoned. Lots of abandoned home have been graffitied on because no one is there to care about it some creative people come and put wonderful art on it.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Freedom To Work

W.A.L.T.. Use words and pictures to convey our thoughts.
What I enjoyed doing was creating a small kinda quote.
Something I think I could improve on is maybe putting more colour in.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

What if we lost petrol forever ?

What if we lost of petrol forever ?

 Have you ever wondered what would happen if the world an out of petrol?. No cars, no planes, not even much transport left. That mean that you can't even go on planes to see family members.

The worst thing is you are going to have to work your damn legs of by riding a bike or scooter. No cars, No planes, No petrol, it just equals nothing. You just won't go far. Going on a plane to see family or friends would be sad cause there is no petrol for the plane to fly from one country to another. But there something else, you would always lose a little bit of weight everywhere you go.

 There are only bikes, scooters, skateboards, and more left that you could only ride. Even when you're in a hurry and you need a Taxi, you just won`t make it in time This also means that if you have a sports game in like town or just somewhere far, you’d have to walk all the way and That wouldn't be that much fun would it?. Not everybody would want to got to the game. This means that all your plastic belongings will no longer exist and will come to the end of existing, this means all your gaming consoles, phones etc.

 Cars have plastic in them and on them how else would we get around. Did you know that a number of car parts are made using recycled plastics. If your car has plastic on the outside you are less likely to get a noticeable dent or a ding also because plastic is lighter than most materials car manufacturers use plastic in a lot of their cars and that’s why today’s average light vehicle contains 332 pounds of plastics , that's 150 Kgs that mean that in a car with a full tank of petrol there would be 432 pounds of petrol in that car alone, can you imagine not having cars around anymore?. Other then that I hope you have enjoyed reading this and that I will try to put more information next time.

Climate Change in Tonga

W.A.L.T.. understand the impact climate change is having on communities in parts of Tonga. Something That I enjoyed doing was learning about my own culture ( because I am from Tongan ).Something that I could do better is to maybe write more about the earthquakes.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Top 5 Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming

W.A.L.T....Understanding that human actions are effecting our climate. Something that I enjoyed doing was learning about climate change and global warming. Something that I could work on next time is to maybe put more information.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Mould Growth On Milk

This term we have been learning about mould. Then with our knowledge of mould we did a fair test about it. I enjoyed doing this because I got to see what the best place is for mould to grow. Next time we will try to make it more fair.

How Dance Moves were created

The past few weeks my class has been writing our own legends. I enjoyed doing this because I got to be creative and write my own legend. My next step is to use other words so that I don't repeat the words I have already used.


In the past few weeks our class made something. If you want to see it them watch the slideshow. Something that I could do next time is add maybe more photos. Something that I enjoyed was creating this with my buddy. 


WALT… Identify   that preserving removes one or more of the conditions that fungi and bacteria need for growth.

I found this activity very interesting and enjoyed learning about preserving techniques.  Next time I would include more countries

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


W.A.L.T....Understand that the order and organisation of words, sentences, paragraphs and images contribute to meaning. In class we had got a task to do and it was to either go in a group of 3 and do a drama and Matariki. The other option was to go in a pair and to make a animation with sound about Matariki. The one that I did was to make an animation. Something that I could work on is maybe adding more information to the video. Something that I found easy was screencastifying. 

Monday, 3 July 2017

Importance of Creation

W.A.L.T ... Recognise that God is Spirit - Wairua and is greater than anything created. I like doing this because I got to put any pictures that I want. Maybe next time I could make it more good.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017


Something I enjoyed doing was making it my buddy. Something I would do next time is maybe put more examples. W.A.L.T.... multiply tens and hundreds by using our strategy.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Hidden in a cabin

In a cabin

Hidden in a cabin. All alone feeling hopeless.. Hungry, thirsty . Wishing for food. Nowhere to go and no one to care for except his family.
Always looking at the positive side because he missed his family.

In a cabin, sitting all alone, rats falling from the roof top, suddenly there was a creaking noise, there goes the roaring wind. Feeling like his eyes were in a mirror from seeing himself dirt as a pig, , as he breaths the dust flies away, swiftly there were`scary creaking noises and this time it wasn't the wind … it was a giant bear, Immediately the bear started ripping through the door. As the man approaches his sleep he starts to feel the coldness come through the door, there was rain pounding on the roof.

Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 8.55.13 AM.png As he wakes up it is as bright as the beautiful sun and he decides that he should perhaps try to find some sort of food, as he gets up all the dry dirt falls of him and onto the ground. As the guy starts to walk he feels a hole under the rug, he starts to think that there is a tunnel to get out, he starts to get down on his knees and grabs the rug. As he gets up there is a key, not a tunnel, he is thinking that there should be no point of a key, but as he thinks even more he says to himself, this could be a key for the window.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Margaret Mahy

This week we have been learning about biographies. Then we had to create a biography about an author of our choice. I enjoyed learning more about Margaret Mahy. Next time I will make it look better and add more information.

Board Game

 W.A.L.T we have to make a Board/Card game that requires BEDMAS.
What I found hard: Think of a game that includes BEDMAS.
What I found easy: Present the information clearly for the game.
What we as a group could do next time: Add images of us playing the game.

Thursday, 8 June 2017



WALT. Identify customs and traditions associated with cultures.
What I found hard was putting it into my own words. 
What I liked was creating this for your guys.
Something I could do next time is add more facts.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Gift of the Holy Spirit

W.A.L.T..Identify how the gift of the Holy Spirit is demonstrated in peoples life. Something that I enjoyed was doing it in a group of three. Something I could do next is my vocabulary.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Feast Of The Ascension

In class we are learning to explain what the church celebrates on the feast of the ascension. something I did well is making the pictures on my own. Something I can do better next time is to work on my world a bit more I hope you liked it.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Seeds of the word

WALT... Explain the meaning of the term 'Seed Of The Word'
I enjoyed doing this because I got to learn what 'seeds of the word' is. What I found hard was trying to explain it. When I needed help I saw one of our classmates one and I got some ideas from.

Tongan Flag

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Life cycle for Mould

W.A.L.T.. Identify the life cycle of Mould. Something that I could next time is my vocabulary. Something that I enjoyed is making this with my friend.


W.A.L.T. explain about Endangered Animals and we can chose an Endangered Animal to research about it and I chose Cougar. I really like to do this because I get to learn more about endangered animals and I put it in my own words. Maybe next time I could make it more exciting.

What is Mould ?


We have been learning about Mould, and have done an explanation about Mould. I enjoyed doing this because I got to learn more about Mould. Something I did well was planning and something I need to work on is my vocabulary. 

 What is Mould ?

Have you ever wondered how Mould grows?. Well, you have come to the right place. Well in this story you will find out everything about Mould and fungus/fungi. If you want to start learning about it then what are you waiting for start reading.

 Firstly Mould grows from little tiny spores.The spores are just like little seeds. They are used to make things grow. Basically, spores are the babies, except they didn't need a mom and a dad. When a spore lands onto favourable actual estate, it give out a slim hair-like tube called a hypha/hyphae. The hypha produce enzymes that break down to the chosen food. Fungi is any of a group of one or more cells. It is a type of mould that grows on different foods and in damp places. We actually use fungi or fungal products in our everyday life, some of them keep us alive.

It is a type of mould that grows on different foods and in damp places. We actually use fungi or fungal products in our everyday life, some of them keep us alive. Fungi used to be regarded as plants but they are now placed in their own kingdom. They have their own kingdom . They are not a plant or animal either. It starts life as a tiny spores. The fungi grows more and more hyphae within food source. Did you know that Mould is a part of the fungi family. Most fungi reproduce by releasing tiny spores that then germinate (sprout) and grow into a new fungus. The spores are produced by, and released from, a fruiting body that is visible above the ground. Some fungi drop spores, which are blown away by the wind. Others shoot them out in an explosive burst. Have you ever wondered what that grey fuzzy stuff was on your bread, well that was Mould.

 Hyphae grow at their tips. During tip growth Hyphal growth is the feature of a threadlike fungi. From mushrooms to shape, we experience organisms in a wide reach of parts of our lives. Every one of them are made out of modest, full strands called hyphae. It is a long, branching filamentous structure of fungi. Mycelium is commonly found in soils and on other natural matter.

 Moulds can grow everywhere in your house mold growth in your house. You need to fix up the moisture problem, and clean up the mould. Mold are able to remove it by using exit Mould. Moulds can be any types of colours, but the most common ones are, brown, green and also grey or black. Finally Mycelium is the plant part of a fungus, made out of a group of branching,it’s like thread-like hyphae. In most fungi, hyphae are the main mode of plant growth, and are basically called a mycelium.

 In conclusion I think mould is good and play a lot of parts in our life, from poisonous moulds to moulds you eat and use everyday. I also think that you can get it in anywhere at your home e.g bathroom, kitchen.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

The Holy Spirit

W.A.L.T.. Recognise the ways Te Wairua tapu Prepares people for the mission of the church. Something that I enjoyed doing is putting this in order. something I could do next time is put more images.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


W.A.L.T...understand how fungi grows and how it forms and also what enhances it growth, Something that I enjoyed doing is learning about its growth. Maybe next time I could put more effort into this.

Under The Rug

Our teacher aide gave us a photo and we have to be as creative as we can, she gave us a story starter and it was two weeks past and it happened again. Something that I enjoyed was that I got to be as creative as I wanted to, something that I could do next time is to put some more effort into this.

Under the rug

 Two weeks past and it happened again. It had been ages since Rudda had been gone, he had gone to go play the ouija board with his mates, they went to a haunted house that was just down the road from them, before they left they searched up about it, it sad that it got abandoned on 2001, 2 of may, he was shocked because that was his birthday. Unexpectedly there was something moving from under the rug, he got terrified, he thought that he friends were just playing with him, but they weren't. After that whole situation Rudda was scared, he told his friends that he wasn't keen on going anymore.

His friends were disappointed because Rudda was the one who wanted to go in the first place, his friends ended decided that they would just leave him behind. On the way out, Rudda said to them ¨ Don't come crying to me if you get in trouble ¨. Once the boys got in the car Rudda slammed the door while they we saying bye ( yes they were saying it happily ). When the were driving it was pitch black, you couldn't even seen any house and trees, it just looked like a field of black grass.

Instantly they had seen that there was something walking on the street, but it just ran away, they saw the house so they parked their car in the driveway. Once they got out of the car it was getting pretty freaky. Once the got to the door there was someone right behind them, it was Rudda, he came to say to them that it's more dangerous that they think, his friends said ¨ How do you know ¨, Rudda said ¨ Because I just watched a video about saying that there is a lady that is haunted by it, they say if she hears you she kills you, So they decided to leave……….

 To be continued

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Moulds are not plants or Animals

W.A.L.T... Differentiate between plant-like and animal-like characteristics of mould, my whole class knows that mould is not a plant or a animal. Something that I liked about this is that I can work with a buddy and see what she thinks, something that I may do next time is to put more information.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Novel study

In this task we had to write about how our character changed in out novel and how they moved on. There reason why its called novel study is because our teacher made a slideshow on things that we have to complete every week. Something that I enjoyed doing was putting it into my own words and not copying the text. Something that I could do better next time is putting in more Punctuation, I hope you enjoyed reading.

 Black Beauty by Anna Sewell Blakie was a lovely black horse, she had a lovely home with her mother and master, she lived next to some other horses but they always play rough and Blakie’s mum always told her to never be mean and play rough. But she got taken to another farm, she was really sad but after a few day she became happy, she knew that the only thing that will make her mum and master happy is for her to also be happy. Her master and her mother would always come and to see her from the other farm, they would always bring some oats and carrots to feed her.

Family feed

W.A.L.T... use the correct structure for a recount, Something that I enjoyed doing was writing about my holidays, Something I could do next time is maybe to use more punctuation. I hope you can relate to my story have a good time reading.

Family Feed

 In the holidays on a cloudless sunny Friday the sun was out and was shinning on everybody. My loving family decided to have a barbeque. So we gathered most of our family members. We had a big backyard with lots of space. Once I got to my uncle house I noticed that I was the first one that had arrived there. Once I got there, there was a big tent that looked like a house, so I ask my uncle ¨ was is that jumbo tent for ¨ he replied saying ¨ that's where the delicious delectable food is going¨. Straight away I could hear lots of people yelling it was my my crazy cousins, straightaway they ran to the food but my uncle yelled at them cause they weren't supposed to do that, so me and my cousins decided to help bring the rest of the food from in the kitchen and out to the tent, as I was looking at the food I felt like eating it because it looked scrumptious. So after all of that we had to wait on the most delicious one, the pig. When the food was finished it satisfied me and my brother want to eat some, but we knew that we had to wait. Immediately my brother told me that the pig was ready so that meant that we could start eat, so my Aunty said the most loving prayer. Once I got my food I felt as happy as a minion. As I ate my food, I felt like the happiest person ever, it was because the pig was cooked perfectly, it was brown and the skin was so crunchy just like a snickers bar. This day to me meant a lot because some of my cousins came from Australia and I got to at least ask how they have been doing, The food taster wonderful and it was wonderful day. It wasn't just the food but that I could spend a whole day with my family and ask them how they have been.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Novel Study

Our task was to write tho conflict of our book and see how the main character of our book has change by their feelings. Something that I enjoyed doing was creating this. Maybe next time I could and some colour to my key words or add more information. Last but not least I hope you have a good time ready this.

       Black beauty Anna Sewell

  The first conflict, There was a whole pack of wholes and dogs coming toward the farm. They ended up running, After the fight there were horses on the ground injured, some got stuck in the lake.

 Second conflict, The horse had to go to another farm, the horse liked it but the only thing is that he was away from his farm he was growing up on. The horses master and mum would come and bring food.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Order Of operations

W.A.L.T.. Recognize that the order of operations matters in real life situations. This the order that I thought was right for a person in real life. Something that I enjoyed doing was putting this in order because sometimes in life you have to go by a order.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Life in trenches

WALT..... Describe how people risk their lives for other. This week I did a Thinglink on how you live in trenches and what you do in trenches. Something that I enjoyed doing is actually learning about trenches and how people survive in trenches, Something that I could improve on next time is maybe adding more color and information. 

Animals in war

WALT...understand the importance of animals used in the war. This week I made a newspaper article about Animals in war. I enjoyed making this because I got to write it as a newspaper instead of a google doc. Something that I could do next time is to add maybe more information on other animals.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Freda the dog

One blazing Fresh morning I was off to war, My body felt as solid as a ice cube. I don't want to lose my friends. I was worried that I was gonna lose Freda and will not be able to take her back to Lucy safely. As I was crashing through the thick mud, my ears could hear bombs exploding and bullets going through people. At this point I knew that I would survive because of my goodluck charm, Freda. As I was in the trenches I was shifting and shooting. Each day I was losing my friends, My friends that I won't be able to see again. Every Night I would pray and pray until I couldn't anymore. Finally one quiet morning there were no bombs and no more bullets, Everyone had enough of it. So I packed up and headed home with Freda. Once I got to freda´s home there was a lovely young woman waiting there. Suddenly she came running to me to grab Freda, ¨She said thank you so much¨. I ¨said thanks because I don't know what I could of done without her¨.

This week WALT.... Write a flashback from a different perspective and use show not tell. The book we used is ¨ The Anzac puppy ¨ by Peter Millett and also Trish Bowles. Something that I enjoyed doing was writing it as a show not tell. Something that I could improve on myself is to make it more fun by adding more descriptive words.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

My leadership creature

In my classroom, my class got a activity to do and it was to design a creature the we wanted to make, we had to explain what it means and what it does.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Maths strategy

In my maths group I learned another way to solve problems if you want to learn the same then watch.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Missing number

This week in my maths group we learned about missing number, We had to figure out the missing number, Some people did it by using numberline and some used their brain.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Island Locks

Island - Locks

Talofa, my name is Kalysha, I an´t that sure on how people start their stories so ya. One lazy day I was slothful, I suddenly thought that I shall go for a adventurous walk on the beach, the beach was glowing like diamonds. I was so lonely, hungry and I was cold, I decided that I wanted good friends, ones that can understand me well enough. I immediately went into the lovely village, swiftly I saw a lovely house made outta sticks, It looked like it was from the coconut trees. So I decided to go see if there was anyone home, after ten seconds of knocking one one answered, I was so angry that no one answered. So I decided to just help myself, at first I was quite scared because in myself I know it is bad to just go inside someone's house like that, I was just so hungry that I wanted to eat.

Once I got inside the house, I immediately saw the food, so I raced over to the kitchen. When I got the food there was a  Jumbo bowl that had rice in it, I had spoonful of it. But suddenly it came to me that this was gross, I was even terrified to even spit it out. So I look to the side of me and guess what I saw, I saw another bowl of rice, I knew that this one was going to be at least way way better that that other one. So I had a spoonful it was just about the same as the other one. There was one last bowl next to me it was as small as a miniature ball, I was surprised because I have never really seen a bowl that small. I had a spoonful  it was like I was in heaven it had some lovely taste to it.

I felt really drained, so I decided that I shall go upstairs to the bedroom, when I was running up the stairs it was like the was a monster behind me ( but really there wasn't ) I saw a room that had the most luxury beds in it, once I went in the room it was shining with sunlight, it gave a patch of goldness to the room, I went onto the bed and it felt like I was on  a marshmallow.
To Be Continued

This week My classroom have wrote their own story on smelly locks. This is my story and its call Island locks. Something that I could do is be more creative.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Times series data

This is a slideshow I did with a buddy, I liked this activity because I got to go with someone who I wouldn't usually go with her I would go with a friend. Something I could do next time is put more information. I hope you enjoy.

Adding - Subtracting in parts

W.A.L.T add - Subtract in adding parts. Something I enjoyed is making this and doing this strategy. Something I could do next time is put more information in. I hope you learn something.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

What a good leader means with the 5c's

W.A.L.T  describe characteristics of a good leader  There's are the 5c.
We worked with a buddy to do this and  it was quite fun. Next time I will put more information. I enjoyed working with a buddy. I hope you enjoy.

How to post like a pro

Recently in my classroom we got a task to do by my teacher. She picked out groups/buddies and they had to work together to create a DLO on how to blog post your work correctly. Next time I will put more colour in. If you want to know how to post properly then you came to the right place.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Planning for writing

This is my planning for my writing. It is for a video that we had to watch. My class has too make either a story or a report anything on this newspaper generator Next time I will put more idas in and maybe change some colour on it I hope you enjoy.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Mercy values

Hello welcome to my blog this week my class made a DLO about the mercy values In this slideshow I have what I learnt about the mercy values and what I have put in my own words Next time I will add more information and more detail Hope you enjoy

All about me 2017

Since it's first week of school and we have new people in our classroom we had to make a slideshow all about ourselves, This slideshow has different things about me e.g favourite game and food. The thing I liked about this is that we got to be as creative as we wanted to be. Maybe next time i'll will add more colour and be more creative. I hope you enjoy.